I Design Water Wheels

Installation Instructions for 2 column 3ft & 4ft Water Wheel


Find your designated location, level out the area and dig an 8 x 3 x 2
ft (sump water) hole (Length x Width x Height). Ensure the edges are

Place your liner in the sump water hole and allow 10-12inches of
overhang once seated properly. Trim away excess liner and discard.

Place your choice of border around the edge of your liner to hold in

*Note: Do not exceed 12inches until you have installed your 4×4
vertical post

Once your liner border has been leveled and installed, find the 3 1/2
ft mark, and dig a 3 1/2ft hole 10-12 inches wide on both sides.

*NOTE: The longest side of the sump hole and border is meant for the crashing
of water and direction the wheel will rotate. Place your 4×4 post in
the 3 1/2 ft hole level and shore them up.

Mix your Quikrete and place an even amount of concrete in both holes.
Measure once more for level and accuracy. Quikrete Fast-Setting
Concrete Mix sets hard in 20 to 40 minutes, but it can take several
hours or days to fully cure.

Once concrete is dried or cured you can now prepare your horizontal
beams (2x6x8) for installation.

*Note: Use the template provided to cut out exterior edge design. Once the design is cut out, you may stain your horizontal beams, or you may continue installing for later. Mount your horizontal beam 4ft high evenly leveled and spaced between your
vertical beams. 4inch wood screws seem to be the best option. Repeat step for the second beam.

Mount (2) 1-1/4-in Structural Galvanized Flanges on the inner surface
of your vertical beams 20 inches high from the base. Vertical
beams(4x4x8) post.

Measure distance between the two flanges installed on the vertical
beam. Note: the 1” rod that came with your product is predrilled for
the (2) anti-slide curl pins following the bearings. Please measure
from the center point before cutting off the excess rod. This allows
your wheel to become centered with the sump pit. Install the 1”
support rod into the center hub of the wheel bearings stopping at the
center point. Install your two curl pins. Note: Do not tighten your
set screws on the bearing blocks now. Install your water wheel. You
may have to remove one flange to install.

Locate the (1) horizontal beam that faces the direction of water flow.
Find the center of that horizontal beam flat side and drill a 9/16
hole. Cut 10” of PVC pipe and install on the end (1) ½” male adapter.
Locate the 6” spout and attach the 10” PVC and ½”male adapter into the
6” spout. Once attached install the combination into the vertical
beam. Attach a 90% elbow on the end facing the direction for the next

Measure the distance from the center of horizontal beam to the base of
the sump hole. Use that measurement and cut the 1/2 PVC to that
length. Install (1) 90% elbow on the end facing the direction of the
6” spout. Measure the distance from the 90% elbow to the 6” spout and
cut to length ½ PVC pipe. Attach all pieces.

Locate the WP 3000 Submersible pump and install the ½” male fitting
which came with the product. Locate the ½” corrugated hose and shut
off valve. Install the end to submersible pump ½” male fitting.
Install (1) ½” male fitting on the end of the vertical beam PVC pipe.
Cut 2ft of the corrugated hose and install to the ½” male vertical
beam PVC. You have now completed the plumbing installation.

*Note: You may secure the plumbing to the vertical beam or wait until
your columns are built.

Fill the sump pit with water not to exceed the height of the water
wheel. Fully open the shut off valve on the corrugated hose as this
will determine the flow of water and speed the water wheel will turn.
Fully open the flow valve on the submersible pump. This is located on
the face cover. Start the submersible pump, wait a minute until the
water primes and enjoy the relaxing sound of the crashing water.

*Note: Once the water starts to flow you may need to turn the water
wheel in the direction of flow. Adjust the flow valve to control the
speed of the water wheel. ENJOY!!!

Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions for 2 column 3ft & 4ft Water Wheel


Find your designated location, level out the area and dig an 8 x 3 x 2
ft (sump water) hole (Length x Width x Height). Ensure the edges are

Place your liner in the sump water hole and allow 10-12inches of
overhang once seated properly. Trim away excess liner and discard.

Place your choice of border around the edge of your liner to hold in

*Note: Do not exceed 12inches until you have installed your 4×4
vertical post

Once your liner border has been leveled and installed, find the 3 1/2
ft mark, and dig a 3 1/2ft hole 10-12 inches wide on both sides.

*NOTE: The longest side of the sump hole and border is meant for the crashing
of water and direction the wheel will rotate. Place your 4×4 post in
the 3 1/2 ft hole level and shore them up.

Mix your Quikrete and place an even amount of concrete in both holes.
Measure once more for level and accuracy. Quikrete Fast-Setting
Concrete Mix sets hard in 20 to 40 minutes, but it can take several
hours or days to fully cure.

Once concrete is dried or cured you can now prepare your horizontal
beams (2x6x8) for installation.

*Note: Use the template provided to cut out exterior edge design. Once the design is cut out, you may stain your horizontal beams, or you may continue installing for later. Mount your horizontal beam 4ft high evenly leveled and spaced between your
vertical beams. 4inch wood screws seem to be the best option. Repeat step for the second beam.

Mount (2) 1-1/4-in Structural Galvanized Flanges on the inner surface
of your vertical beams 20 inches high from the base. Vertical
beams(4x4x8) post.

Measure distance between the two flanges installed on the vertical
beam. Note: the 1” rod that came with your product is predrilled for
the (2) anti-slide curl pins following the bearings. Please measure
from the center point before cutting off the excess rod. This allows
your wheel to become centered with the sump pit. Install the 1”
support rod into the center hub of the wheel bearings stopping at the
center point. Install your two curl pins. Note: Do not tighten your
set screws on the bearing blocks now. Install your water wheel. You
may have to remove one flange to install.

Locate the (1) horizontal beam that faces the direction of water flow.
Find the center of that horizontal beam flat side and drill a 9/16
hole. Cut 10” of PVC pipe and install on the end (1) ½” male adapter.
Locate the 6” spout and attach the 10” PVC and ½”male adapter into the
6” spout. Once attached install the combination into the vertical
beam. Attach a 90% elbow on the end facing the direction for the next

Measure the distance from the center of horizontal beam to the base of
the sump hole. Use that measurement and cut the 1/2 PVC to that
length. Install (1) 90% elbow on the end facing the direction of the
6” spout. Measure the distance from the 90% elbow to the 6” spout and
cut to length ½ PVC pipe. Attach all pieces.

Locate the WP 3000 Submersible pump and install the ½” male fitting
which came with the product. Locate the ½” corrugated hose and shut
off valve. Install the end to submersible pump ½” male fitting.
Install (1) ½” male fitting on the end of the vertical beam PVC pipe.
Cut 2ft of the corrugated hose and install to the ½” male vertical
beam PVC. You have now completed the plumbing installation.

*Note: You may secure the plumbing to the vertical beam or wait until
your columns are built.

Fill the sump pit with water not to exceed the height of the water
wheel. Fully open the shut off valve on the corrugated hose as this
will determine the flow of water and speed the water wheel will turn.
Fully open the flow valve on the submersible pump. This is located on
the face cover. Start the submersible pump, wait a minute until the
water primes and enjoy the relaxing sound of the crashing water.

*Note: Once the water starts to flow you may need to turn the water
wheel in the direction of flow. Adjust the flow valve to control the
speed of the water wheel. ENJOY!!!